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Fitness Center Rules

  1. Currently only tenant employees officing out of Trinity Towers full-time, that have completed the waiver are eligible for fitness center access.  Access is not currently offered to part-time, hybrid, remote or employees that office at other locations.  Eligible employees will already have 24/7 building access on their badge as approved by their authorized Tenant representative.

  2. Prior to having access to the fitness center, a waiver must be completed and on file.

  3. No guests (which includes, but is not limited to, personal trainers, contractor, clients, family members and children) are allowed in the Fitness Center at any time.

  4. No training or fitness activities (aside from walking) may take place outside of the fitness center in any common area of the property.

  5. The access card issued to the participant is not allowed to be used by anyone other than the participant.

  6. The facility is open 24/7, however if there are unforeseen circumstances, no one is allowed in the fitness center when the facility is closed.

  7. Proper attire is always required - shirts and athletic shoes are required. NO open-toe shoes, business attire, etc. is allowed.

  8. Do not use any equipment unless you are knowledgeable about how to use it properly.

  9. Observe fitness center etiquette and demonstrate courtesy toward others in the facility at all times, including but not limited to limiting use of exercise equipment to 30 minutes per machine when others are waiting.

  10. No horseplay; loud or offensive language; or other inappropriate behavior will be tolerated.  Additionally, loud or lengthy phone calls are not permitted.  If you need to take a call, please step outside the fitness center as all members are entitled to undistracted enjoyment of the facility.

  11. Out of respect for fellow members, be sure to wipe down all equipment, benches and mats after each use.

  12. Show respect for equipment and facilities at all times. Do not drop or throw weights or misuse equipment in any way.  Any activity that requires you to do is prohibited.

  13. Equipment is to be used in the manner for which it has been designed and if applicable, shall be kept off the floor and must be returned to proper racks when lifting is completed.

  14. You may be expelled immediately if you misuse equipment or the facility.

  15. Utilize spotters/locks when necessary (e.g., overhead lifts, squats, bench presses, platform or Olympic lifts).

  16. Keep the facility flow path clear; remove any obstructions.

  17. Management personnel have authority over all room conduct and use of equipment, including sound and video systems.

  18. Injuries and defective equipment are to be reported to the property management office immediately.

  19. No firearms, tobacco products, food, chewing gum, glass bottles or cans are allowed. Plastic water bottles are acceptable.

  20. No alcohol, drugs, and/or banned substances are allowed in the fitness center.

  21. Trinity Towers, its staff and management are not responsible for personal belongings or lost or stolen items.

  22. Lockers are available on a first-come basis, and you must provide your own lock. Overnight usage of lockers is not permitted.  Locks and items left in lockers overnight will be removed.

  23. As a courtesy to fellow members when utilizing the locker room showers, please wipe up any water that has leaked onto the tile outside of the shower prior to leaving.

  24. All towels must be placed in the designated baskets when you are finished with them.

  25. No recording devices may be used in the locker room.  No person may use a cell phone, or other recording device, to capture, record, or transfer a representation of any person or activity in the Fitness Center, including but not limited to the locker room. Please respect the privacy of all individuals using the fitness center and locker room.

  26. As a courtesy to fellow members, cell phone conversations and listening to music without headphones is prohibited.  If you need to take a call, please step outside of the fitness center into the hallway.

  27. Unless pre-approved by property management, no flyers, bills or postings of any sort may be left in the fitness center or locker rooms.

  28. All users of the fitness center are required to have their access card with them at all times while using the facility.  Security and building staff are not permitted to grant access to anyone who forgets their access card.  Fitness center members using their card to allow others to access the fitness center is not permitted.  If someone asks you to let them in, please refer them to the security desk.

  29. Access card activations are processed between 8AM and 3PM daily. It may take up to 48 hours (weekends and holidays excluded) for fitness center access to be added to a new Member’s card.  Notice of activation will not be given, Member will simply need to go to the Fitness Center and tap their card on the HID panel to check access.


*Management reserves the right to modify the Rules and Regulations and requirements to obtain or continue membership at any time.





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